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Intermediate Wilderness Quiz
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1. Which federal agency manages the most wilderness areas?
Bureau of Land Management
Incorrect answer!
Fish and Wildlife Service
Incorrect answer!
Forest Service
Correct answer!
National Park Service
Incorrect answer!
2. Which federal agency manages the most wilderness acres?
Bureau of Land Management
Incorrect answer!
Fish and Wildlife Services
Incorrect answer!
Forest Service
Incorrect answer!
National Park Service
Correct answer!
3. What is the United States largest wilderness?
Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho
Incorrect answer!
Wrangell-Saint Elias Wilderness, Alaska
Correct answer!
Gates of the Arctic Wilderness, Alaska
Incorrect answer!
Death Valley Wilderness, California and Nevada
Incorrect answer!
4. What is the United States smallest wilderness?
Rocks and Islands Wilderness, California
Incorrect answer!
Pelican Island Wilderness, Florida
Correct answer!
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey
Incorrect answer!
Agassiz Wilderness, Minnesota
Incorrect answer!
5. Which of the following contains the most acreage of federal wilderness land?
Incorrect answer!
Incorrect answer!
Correct answer!
The lower 48 states
Incorrect answer!
6. Which U.S. President signed the Alaska National Interest Conservation Lands Act (ANILCA)?
Theodore Roosevelt
Incorrect answer!
Ronald Reagan
Incorrect answer!
The Act never passed
Incorrect answer!
None of the above
Correct answer!
7. Which agency was not directed by the Wilderness Act of 1964 to inventory lands to
determine wilderness characteristics?
Bureau of Land Management
Correct answer!
Fish and Wildlife Service
Incorrect answer!
Forest Service
Incorrect answer!
National Park Service
Incorrect answer!
8. The term "untrammeled" from the Wilderness Act of 1964, means what?
in pristine condition
Incorrect answer!
wild, free, unfettered
Correct answer!
without regulations
Incorrect answer!
without human visitors
Incorrect answer!
9. Generally, as visitor use levels increase, resource impacts will:
Decrease at a constant rate
Incorrect answer!
Increase at an increasing rate
Incorrect answer!
Increase at a decreasing rate
Correct answer!
None of the above
Incorrect answer!
10. Who is associated with the idea of a Land Ethic?
Howard Zahniser
Incorrect answer!
Aldo Leopold
Correct answer!
Bob Marshall
Incorrect answer!
Arthur Carhart
Incorrect answer!
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