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Advanced Wilderness Quiz
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1. The California Desert Protection Act created how many new wilderness acres?
Just over 1 thousand acres
Incorrect answer!
Between 7 and 8 million acres
Correct answer!
48 million acres
Incorrect answer!
between 100 and 101 million acres
Incorrect answer!
2. Under what authority does the Bureau of Land Management manage wilderness areas?
Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act
Incorrect answer!
Endangered Species Act
Incorrect answer!
Clean Air Act
Incorrect answer!
Federal Land Policy And Management Act
Correct answer!
3. Who recommended Trappers Lake be left undeveloped?
Howard Zahniser
Incorrect answer!
Aldo Leopold
Incorrect answer!
Bob Marshall
Incorrect answer!
Arthur Carhart
Correct answer!
4. Who is generally given credit for the U Regulations?
Howard Zahniser
Incorrect answer!
Aldo Leopold
Incorrect answer!
Bob Marshall
Correct answer!
Arthur Carhart
Incorrect answer!
5. Who is generally given most of the credit for writing the Wilderness Act?
Howard Zahniser
Correct answer!
Aldo Leopold
Incorrect answer!
Bob Marshall
Incorrect answer!
Arthur Carhart
Incorrect answer!
6. Approximately what percentage of the entire United States is protected as wilderness?
Incorrect answer!
Correct answer!
Incorrect answer!
Incorrect answer!
7. What law allows wheelchairs use in Wilderness?
Administrative Procedures Act
Incorrect answer!
Wheelchairs are not allowed in wilderness since they are a form of mechanical transport
Incorrect answer!
Federal Land Policy and Management Act
Incorrect answer!
None of the above
Correct answer!
8. What is the minimum necessary (also termed minimum requirements) philosophy?
The most cost effective method of performing stewardship work
Incorrect answer!
The fastest method of achieving management objectives
Incorrect answer!
First determining if any management action is necessary, then determining how to accomplish the action using the least amount (if any) of an otherwise prohibited use
Correct answer!
First obtaining public input, then determining the best way to achieve the most popular solution
Incorrect answer!
9. Why are bicycles not allowed in wilderness?
The Wilderness Act of 1964 prohibits mechanical transport
Correct answer!
Bicycles cause conflicts with other user groups
Incorrect answer!
Only traditional recreational activities are allowed in Wilderness
Incorrect answer!
Bicycles cause greater resource impacts than other types of use
Incorrect answer!
10. Which successful landmark conservation battle is most well-known for galvanizing
and uniting America's early conservation movement?
Echo Park Dam
Correct answer!
Hetch Hetchy Valley
Incorrect answer!
Yellowstone National Park
Incorrect answer!
Roadless Rule
Incorrect answer!
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