
Wilderness Practitioners
Practitioners in wilderness stewardship include federal land management agency staff, non-profit advocacy organization employees, environmental educators, students, congressional representatives and other legislators, reporters and members of the media, scientists and researchers, and wilderness volunteers. The resources provided on this website are designed to help different professional audiences access real-time information to further their wilderness stewardship and protection work.
Wilderness Connect is a communications, education, and science dissemination program administered through a collaborative partnership between The Wilderness Institute at the University of Montana, the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute. It is advised by a working group and steering committee with oversight provided by the federal interagency National Wilderness Steering Committee and Wilderness Policy Council.
We offer resources designed (1) to empower current and future land managers to make decisions that adhere to law and policy, incorporate the best science, and are informed by the latest knowledge on contemporary wilderness stewardship issues; and (2) to inspire the public to identify with wild places, learn about wilderness areas and their stewardship, and plan responsible wilderness visits.